- The current Fuzz distribution is
v0.1.3.4 (Warning: Research prototype -- not for production use!).
- You can also download an extended version
of Fuzz that can infer sensitivity annotations
This version additionally requires
the Z3 SMT
Security paper gives an overview of Fuzz.
- If you would like to experiment with Fuzz, you may find this
brief tutorial useful.
- The source code for our attacks on PINQ is
also available. Please read Section 3.5 of the Fuzz paper for details!
- DFuzz is a variant of Fuzz that is
based on our POPL 2013 paper.
- DualQuery enables practical
private query release for high-dimensional data (based on our ICML'14 paper).
- HOARe2 is a tool for mechanism
design and differential privacy based on higher-order approximate relational
refinement types (for more details, see this POPL'15 paper).